In-Person Classes

  • Do you want to improve your photography skills and knowledge?
  • Are you struggling with good compositions? 
  • Ever wonder what makes a photo great or standout? 
  • Ever wonder what type of gear you need to be successful like tripods, ballheads, L brackets, filters, bags, etc…?
  • Are you looking to improve the skills you already have and take them to a higher level?
  • While driving are you tired of listening to music and news? Try listening to photography podcasts.
  • Have you seen a Milkyway shot and wondered how they do that?  
  • How about creating silky smooth water shots?  WARNING- This skill can be very addictive
  • What type of SD cards do I need?
  • What lenses or gear should I purchase?

"Most times investing in knowledge is better than the latest & greatest gear."

When I first started my photography experience, I always wished for someone I could bounce off my questions to.  I did quite a bit of Google and YouTube searches and this did help.  
As I met people in the industry and was able to associate and ask questions, this is where my bulk of knowledge came from. In the classes I offer, your success depends on your willingness to learn and bring all the questions you may have.  If I don’t know an answer, we will figure it out together.
I offer a few series of classes based on your level of expertise.  

"An Investment in Knowledge always pays the best interest."

Photography Classes


Photography Class
$ 150 Per Class
  • Someone who is just starting out and wants to gain more knowledge of a camera and functions.
  • Maybe you just need some direction where to start.
  • You do not need to own an expensive camera to be in this class. Cell phone cameras are fine too.
  • My goal is to help with compositions and framing a great shot
  • Please ask lots of questions! That is how you learn.


Photography Class
$ 150 Per Class
  • Someone who has been shooting for awhile and is stuck and just needs a boost.
  • In this class I will help get you out of "AUTO" and get you into the more creative "MANUAL" mode
  • I will be pushing you pretty hard to do on-your-own study time and practice.
  • I will show techniques on using a tripod and ballhead.
  • I will provide a list of Podcasts and people to follow on social media to give you inspiration.


Photography Class
$ 150 Per Class
  • Someone who has been shooting in manual mode, knows the camera menus well.
  • In this class I will go over some of the latest techniques on what the Pros are doing.
  • I will be teaching techniques on how to get creative
  • We will also be learning some more advanced Photoshop Luminosity masking that will take your photography to a whole new level.
  • We will also be learning about some powerful plugins like Lumenzia and Nik Color FX
  • This class will be tailored to what you want to improve on.
Recommended Computer Specs
  1. Extra space for new hard drives and additional components
  2. A large hard drive, at least 1Tb
  3. Intel I7, or AMD Ryzen 7 processor
  4. Graphics card with 2gb Ram
  5. 16gb Ram
  6. 4K monitor, full-spectrum sRGB 

Lightroom Classes

Using Lightroom for RAW image processing can make a substantial difference in your photos. What is the difference between JPEG & Raw??
Whether you’re a seasoned user or brand new, I will walk you through the proper workflow and techniques to help make you successful 
Before beginning this class I highly recommend subscribing to Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop. With a monthly cost of $9.99,

 Lightroom not only helps with editing but is also a great way to catalog all of your images.

A good computer is an investment to your success.

Using a slow computer will be frustrating. I use a 27″ iMac. Windows-based computers work great too. We will discuss backup solutions for photos in class.
We will touch on a bit of Photoshop techniques depending on class ability.
At the end of this class series, the goal is to become proficient in Lightroom. Be prepared for some homework!
3 Classes @$50 each
Special! Order an online lesson on how to use Lightroom. Only $199.